“Just look about
You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can’t you feel a brand new day?”
Can’t you feel a brand new GBC?
~Diana Ross, a brand new Day
We’re very excited to finally be able to share our latest GBC with you! Meet the GBC 44 Scoop Loupe!
The GBC 44 Scoop Loupe comes with a perfectly timed Scoop Motion, and …. The left-sided GBC Funnel Turbo Spin!
every detail of the new GBC 44 Scoop Loupe!

GBC 43 Rocking Raiser – 42121
To double the fun, we have combined the building instructions of both the GBC 44 Scoop Loupe together and the GBC 43 Rocking Raiser in an Excavating Pack. This way you do not have to choose which GBC to build, you can simply build them one after another! Want to know what’s even better? All necessary accessories are included in the pack (exl. original LEGO Set), so you can start building immediatly!
Or about the GBC 43 Rocking Raiser!