Slomo for the win!

This is incredibly cool! Master builder Enrique Herrrero (Spain) build our GBC 9 – 42043 C Model and created a nice video of it! Bonus for the awesome Slow Motion shots of the Shooter Module at the end of the video! Thanks for sharing :)

Get yourself rolling today:


Have you also build one of our models yourself?

Your vote counts!

Did you know that: Our GBC 18 – 42064 C Model is a result of many voting requests by you guys?
What will be the next LEGO Set that we should convert into a GBC? Let your voice hear and enter your submission today:

Learn more about GBC 18:

We are getting closer and closer!

One year ago we released our biggest, most ambitious and greatest GBC 15 Mining Plant (42055 LEGO Set C Model) yet! The response was overwhelming and many many builders had a blast building it! In a few weeks we will release our NEW GBC 21 which takes everything even one step further! More complex, astonishing and mesmerizing mechanisms that work beautifully together in moving lots and lots of GBC balls around in an infinite loop. This is gonna be awesome! Stay tuned!

Learn more:
GBC 15 Mining Plant:

GBC 21 Mine Factory: