Did you know

We went over more than 30 iterations when designing our own unique Powered Up Connectors compatible with the LEGO system.
They have to work with the official LEGO Powered Up Connectors but they also have to fit nicely into their own connector counter part.
In the beginning we have explored many ideas how to accomplish it and we finally set on the current design.
You can find our Powered Up Connectors in many of our products including the Extension cables, Splitter Cables, Adapters and more.

Tipping Bucket

We always love it when at certain moments in the GBC a lot of GBC Balls simultaneously enter the modules. Don’t you also like the tension there is of when will the bucket tilt and drop the GBC Balls?
In the past we have also include this into our   where the big shovel part of the LEGO 42100 set acts as the bucket. In the upcoming GBC 51 Gravel Works we have tuned this down a bit but nonetheless it is still a lot of fun when the tipping moment finally happens. It is important that the next module in line can handle these bulk GBC Ball drops. Likewise it is important that the GBC Balls find a way to get separate again in smaller bulks. The Wave Machine will be up to the task for sure.


GBC 50 Lift Module in the loop!

Brick Eric from the Netherlands used our new GBC 50 Tow Lift in his bigger GBC layout. It just perfectly fits in as designed.
Check our more cool LEGO stuff on his YouTube channel here:

Brick Eric Youtube Channel

Have you also build one of our models yourself?

GBC 51 Gravel Works progress continues

The progress is going strong on this one and we have already a few modules up and running. Now is the task of combining them into one big GBC layout.
This next module we want to highlight is lifting a batch of GBC Balls up at once all with a automatic gearbox. Even though we could program a motor to switch between forward and backward drive we think it adds so much more to mechanically accomplish this.



Mechanical Monday – Geneva Mechanism

In all the years we build GBC we were always fascinated by the versatility and reliability of the Geneva mechanism. This mechanism, also known as a Maltese cross or trochoidal drive, is a mechanical linkage used in a wide field of application nowadays and for sure in the LEGO GBC madness we are in.     One of the key features of the Geneva mechanism is that it allows for intermittent or “stepped” movement of the shaft. This is accomplished by using a “locking” tooth that engages with the other teeth when the shaft is in a certain position, and…

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GBC 50 Tow Lift – Official Video

The moment is finally here. Our brand new GBC 50 Tow Lift is out and it is ready to be build by you.

This model is entirely build with parts from the existing LEGO set 42128 Heavy-duty Tow Truck and features new unique modules.
Get ready to control this GBC yourself and get involved in complex timings mechanisms, auto direction change mechanisms, pneumatics and so much more!

You can upgrade your GBC 50 Tow Lift by adding the GBC Funnel XL and the Xylophone Keys. These are all optional parts but for sure brings something new to the table.

Get the building instructions and start engineering today!