Family expansion coming up: set & name reveal GBC 48!

After the GBC 15 Mining Plant and the GBC 21 Mine Factory, we are excited to share with you that we are expecting our third LEGO 42055 Bucket Wheel Excavator expansion: GBC 48 Placer Mining Line!

Keep in touch for more information!


LEGO Set 42055

“Best GBC ever!”

It’s simply great when you accidentally stumble across one of your own creations and see it described as “Best GBC ever!”. Thank you for the compliment, we hope you had fun building our GBC 21 Mine Factory!



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Tips & Tricks Tuesday: Funky Funnels!

Are you making your own build and would you like to implement a funnel? Way to go! Since we’ve designed different funnels, there is always one that will enable you to go for it, no matter the steepness of the slope!

In our GBC 47 Mill Madness, we’ve found the opportunity to create the perfect slope and insert space so that all different GBC-Funnels can be implemented! This way, everyone can use the Funnels they already posses and experiment with the different GBC-Funnels.


Check out the different GBC-Funnels below to see which would suit your purpose!


Source of inspiration!

Ever wondered about the sources of inspiration of our engineers? It’s all around them: inspiration is found in daily observations. Think for example of the GBC 38 Funky Ferris Wheel or the GBC 47 Mill Madness! Just like most human beings, inspiration is, however, also found in social media. A great example is Wintergatan’s Marble Machine (check it out below!), a truly fascinating machine, which inspired the use of our Xylophone Keys! Who knows, maybe we’ll create such a machine ourselves one day? Wouldn’t that be cool?


Fun Fact Friday: GBC 33 Goofy Golf Park!

The Shooter Module includes 3 smaller mechanisms which work beautifully together to get a perfect hit every time! Designing these complex mechanisms in the most efficient, compact and reliable way possible really took the inner engineer out of us again. By spending a lot of hard work and brain power in this sub part alone we were able to succeed again.
Incorporating our GBC Funnel XL in the GBC 33 was one of the easiest tasks and felt like a pleasant change of workload ;)