Here, in the Netherlands, the leaves are starting to fall and the days are shortening. As fall is making its entrance, the holiday season is approaching as well, bringing along al usual sorrows: what to cook for Christmas? How to make sure some family members won’t start arguing?? And…. what gifts should we get???
Over the past few years we got an increasing number of requests for giftcards, especially around the described holiday season. Well… we would hate to dissapoint… so let’s present: our giftcards!
PV-Productions launches two new GBCs for the LEGO® 42121 Heavy Duty Excavator
Last July our dear friends from ToyPro have written an article about our GBC 43 Rocking Raiser and the GBC 44 Scoop Loupe. Both GBCs are built from the LEGO 42121 C Model Heavy Duty Excavator Technic set!
See any unfamiliar terms? No worries, check out our Engineering Terminology for LEGO Technic Page! Ever wondered why lego uses so many different axles ( and I’m not just talking about the different lengths ;))? Well so did I. Time for some explanations! As we could write an entire article about the different axles and when to use them, I will keep it at just one axle for today: the Axle with Center Stop (yellow/tan-coloured axle in left upper corner). The difference between this axle and other axles is not hard to guess: it has a center stop. But…
Fun Fact: We believe nothing can be perfect in the first implementation. Often we see ourselves redesigning parts, modules and constructions over and over again until we get it right. We start with a rough design. This gives a good interpretation of the shape and size. Next we investigate every little detail so we get to the optimal solution. Even during the digitization process we still make tweaks to improve the model in terms of construction, design, feel and more. In the end this results in a great building experience :)
Going through some old material, we found an old design of the Dragon Spinner Module (GBC 36 Crazy Carnaval). Although the idea for the module was already clear and somehow funcitonal in the initial design, the mechanics were not yet up for the job. After some redesigning the mechanisms were upgraded, leading to the Dragon Spinner Module as we know it today!
Want to read some more fun facts about our company and/or products? Check out our social media and the Product Pages!