Behind the scene work update!

Even though we recently launched our GBC 44 Scoop Loupe, we’re already working hard on a brand new GBC 45! Although the release is still far away, I’d already like to share with you a picture made behind the scenes! Wondering what kind of module this will be? Curious about the rest of the GBC? Follow us for more (behind the scene) sneak peaks!


Light it up!

A couple of weeks back, I had the pleasure of sharing the news of our new partnership with SBrick. Although we are happy to be collaborating, you might not yet know what the ‘new’ products do. Therefore, we decided to share with you a video made by Sariel, in which a full explanation is given!





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Help! Which motor to choose?!

“I need somebody
(Help!) not just anybody
(Help!) you know I need someone

~The Beatles, Help!


Are you thinking about building a GBC, but unsure about how to power it? Or have you built a hand powered GBC and now got sore muscles since you have to turn the drive handle yourself? Or have you decided to get a LEGO motor, but don’t know which one to get? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back!

We understand that you don’t want to lose joy over having to make your GBC work manually. Therefore we want to provide you with some information on different LEGO motors: what are the differences and where can you buy them?

One Set, double Fun!

Check out this video of our fan Eric Raijmakers from the Netherlands! When chosing which Lego Set to buy, he noted that there were alternate instructions available for this set (42082). Now, one year later, he made our GBC 30 Fun Park with great enthousiasm: “Boy does it look satisfying!” “All in all, this adds quite some ‘replay value’ to an already existing nice Lego model!”



We want to thank Eric for his video and enthousiasm! Hopefully we will see more of your creations in the future!

Have you built one of our GBCs and would you like to share a footage with us? Please feel free to contact us!

Have you also build one of our models yourself?

A brand new GBC!

“Just look about You owe it to yourself to check it out Can’t you feel a brand new day?” Can’t you feel a brand new GBC? ~Diana Ross, a brand new Day   We’re very excited to finally be able to share our latest GBC with you! Meet the GBC 44 Scoop Loupe! The GBC 44 Scoop Loupe comes with a perfectly timed Scoop Motion, and …. The left-sided GBC Funnel Turbo Spin! every detail of the new GBC 44 Scoop Loupe!                 To double the fun, we have combined the building instructions…

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Opening new Doors: new Funnel and new GBC (coming up)!

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney

Walt Disney is many things, one of which is: right! In creating the newest GBC (new sneak peak in the picture below!), our right sided turbo spin funnel could not fullfill it’s purpose anymore: it dropped the GBC balls at the wrong side and the GBC balls fell into the void….. Therefore we got curious for a solution, which lead us down to our new path: the left sided turbo spin funnel!  With this funnel, we double the joy: no more limitations in building, making (almost) everything possible! First up: GBC 44!

Get your (left and/or right sided) turbo spin funnel

Already interested in the upcoming GBC? Get a sneak peak or already order the building instructions


GBC 44 Scoop Loupe – 42121 C Model PV-Productions