What will it be?

The GBC 42 Linear Loco Lifters – 42112 C model building instructions will be the first new GBC in the new year! Can you already figure out the functioning? 


Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today: https://pv-productions.com/product/gbc-42-linear-loco-lifters-42112-building-instructions/

See also our C Model Building Instructions & accessories: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/

Build our models? Share the fun: https://pv-productions.com/upload/

GBC 40 Tippy Tilt Trays in the SpotLight

Our friends at PlanetGBC made a nice article of our GBC 40 Tippy Tilt Trays – 42108 C Model.

Give it a read here: https://www.planet-gbc.com/gbcmodule-pv-productions-gbc40-tippytilttrays/


Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today: https://pv-productions.com/product/gbc-40-tippy-tilt-trays-42108-building-instructions/

See also our C Model Building Instructions & accessories: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/

Build our models? Share the fun: https://pv-productions.com/upload/

Puzzle completed :)

The GBC 21 Mine Factory Puzzle is finally finished. Took us 2 whole weeks of our Holiday to complete it.


Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today: https://pv-productions.com/product/lego-gbc-21-42055-building-instructions/

See also our C Model Building Instructions & accessories: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/

Build our models? Share the fun: https://pv-productions.com/upload/

GBC 36 fan build

Jhilario from Spain built our GBC 36 Crazy Carnival. This is his comment: It is the 4th montage that I do of PV-Productions, each time they are more surprising and fun. This is a circuit with very ingenious mechanisms. Hours and hours of entertainment and fun guaranteed😀.

Thanks for sharing with us!

Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today: https://pv-productions.com/product/gbc-36-crazy-carnival-42082-building-instructions/

See also our C Model Building Instructions & accessories: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/

Build our models? Share the fun: https://pv-productions.com/upload/

Have you also build one of our models yourself?

GBC 42 next step

GBC 42 Linear Loco Lifters is already turning out so cool! With even more mechanics in the work. Can you figure out how it will work?!


Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today: https://pv-productions.com/product/gbc-42-linear-loco-lifters-42112-building-instructions/

See also our C Model Building Instructions & accessories: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/

GBC 18 in the loop

Instagrammer Nisshan (StayHomeStayMetal) built our GBC 18 in great fashion.

Very cool. Keep them coming!


Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today: https://pv-productions.com/product/lego-gbc-18-4-modules-42064-building-instructions/

See also our C Model Building Instructions & accessories: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/

Build our models? Share the fun: https://pv-productions.com/upload/

Have you also build one of our models yourself?