With GBC Balls flying everywhere this GBC 12 Pinball Wizard is a fan favorite. Made from the very popular LEGO 42043 Mercedes-Benz Arocs 3245 set, we use almost every bit from it, including the LEGO Pneumatics systems! Already 7 years old and still holding up to date. We even bring it to all our exhibitions pumping GBC Balls all day.
It’s that time of year again a Brickworld Chicago. Once again they have the World of Lights where all of the lights in the convention hall are turned off for a couple of hours! This allows the our GBC Glow Balls to really shine and highlight all the cool modules and mechanics the builders came up with. Thank you Adam’s Brick Junction for making a video of it available on Youtube and sharing the glow fun!
Jacqueline Segeth from the Netherlands build our GBC 41 Power Pit Mania together with her husband and son-in-law and even grandson;) A great team effort for sure. See for yourself in the video what they accomplished and what they wrote as a review. Thanks for sharing!
As with the GBC 45, I built the GBC 41 on my own, in a week or two. The track worked well straight away, but because we don't have that many balls we had to fill the tipping box with stones. My husband did that job. Then there's driving the bulldozer, which is more something for my son-in-law. A question that requires a lot of practice. Our grandson also adds a ball in his own way :). Teamwork! See video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTmaRCjw7Ww Net als bij de GBC 45 heb ik de GBC 41 alleen gebouwd, in een week of twee. De baan werkte meteen goed maar omdat we niet zoveel balletjes hebben moesten we de kiepbak vullen met steentjes. Dat klusje heeft mijn man geklaard. Dan nog het besturen van de bulldozer, dat is meer iets voor mijn schoonzoon. Een questie van veel oefenen. Onze kleinzoon voegt op zijn manier ook een balletje toe :). Teamwork! Zie video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTmaRCjw7Ww
Create music on your own with help of our latest GBC 53 Marble Music Machine! Pins on a programming wheel push hammers which push GBC Balls onto Xylophone Keys, hence making sounds. When composing correctly you can hear beautiful melodies from the machine. All on it’s own!! Created entirely from the LEGO 42146 Liebherr Crawler Crane LR 13000 set! Learn about engineering, mechanics, music, programming and so much more! The machine can be programmed via the LEGO Powered Up App or Pybricks.
Recently Philip had been interviewed by a Dutch podcast maker “Men with a hobby” where 3 guys ask other men about their hobby and if it is something for them. They asked Philip what Great Ball Contraptions (GBCs) are exactly, how he got started, what is so cool about it and so much more. They were fascinated by it and in the end they promised they will build a GBC themselves. GBC, the greatest hobby there is ;)
Wow, the LEGO 42146 set is big. And a lot of parts. But when you look closer you will realize something. Many of the included parts are big frames which are useful for building big. But not so useful for building small detailed mechanisms. Making this music machine required us to play 8 notes. So every mechanism that you come up with has to be multiplied by 8. This gave us the biggest challenge of all. So first you have to come up with a working mechanism and then design it in such way that it can by copied 8 times. In the mechanism you see we had to squeeze every little bit out of every part to get the GBC 53 Marble Music Machine working. To give you an idea: there are only 12 axle extenders in a set with over 2883 parts in total. It was challenging but we succeeded.
GBC 53 Marble Music Machine – 42146 Alternate Build