Jacqueline Segeth from the Netherlands build our GBC 41 Power Pit Mania together with her husband and son-in-law and even grandson;) A great team effort for sure. See for yourself in the video what they accomplished and what they wrote as a review. Thanks for sharing!
As with the GBC 45, I built the GBC 41 on my own, in a week or two. The track worked well straight away, but because we don't have that many balls we had to fill the tipping box with stones. My husband did that job. Then there's driving the bulldozer, which is more something for my son-in-law. A question that requires a lot of practice. Our grandson also adds a ball in his own way :). Teamwork! See video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTmaRCjw7Ww Net als bij de GBC 45 heb ik de GBC 41 alleen gebouwd, in een week of twee. De baan werkte meteen goed maar omdat we niet zoveel balletjes hebben moesten we de kiepbak vullen met steentjes. Dat klusje heeft mijn man geklaard. Dan nog het besturen van de bulldozer, dat is meer iets voor mijn schoonzoon. Een questie van veel oefenen. Onze kleinzoon voegt op zijn manier ook een balletje toe :). Teamwork! Zie video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTmaRCjw7Ww
It is always great to see parts of our GBCs in the wild. During the Brixembourg GBC layout (Luxembourg) we can see part of our GBC 41 Power Pit Mania build from the LEGO 42100 Liebherr R 9800 set.
We don’t know exactly who build it but for sure some member of the GBC group. The big Wheel Loader Module has the important job to create some height gain with a consistent ball flow to the next module.
Build our GBCs from completely different LEGO set!
Szilard Gyalay (United States) build our GBC 31 Flex Conveyor without owning the required LEGO 42094 set. This alternate model uses a lot of standard parts (like most LEGO sets) and by using only parts from his own LEGO collection he could easily recreate it. This explains the color differences but the functions are 100% identical to our model.
Szilard quote: “It just shows yet again that no set is need, using the instructions and some imagination things become real.”
We could not have said it any better. Thanks for your sharing your video and your creativity! Keep up the great work.
Jacqueline Segeth from the Netherlands build our GBC 45 Stunt Circus. This GBC, made from the 42100 LEGO set, includes multiple advanced models which use mechanical timing and programming. She build it herself and with the help of her husband they completed the finetuning. Quote: “So fun! I will now also build the GBC 41 Power Pit Mania 42100 model :)”
As you can see at the end of the video is it fun for the whole family :)
One of the fastest builders we know has done it again. The only hold up was the GBC Funnels which Pete wanted to include in the GBC. Watch his GBC 51 Gravel Works in action featuring the 2 GBC Funnels in full action.
Recently we got this email from a dad who bought our GBC 52 Flight Fair for his child.
My child would like to thank you for GBC instructions. I am sending a picture of a letter my son wrote to you. It says: —- To: PV Productions I like your GBCs! I am also happy that Flight Fair is finally finished! Thank you! —-
Thank you for all those products and services!
Thank you for those kind words and awesome video! He even connected our GBC 49 Geneva Drive to it in sync. How cool. You can build this as well. Get the building instructions, GBC Balls and other optional accessories via the buttons below: