STEAM Education

Keep up the fun while learning!
As many of you may have already experienced, building GBCs is not just about building a machine, it’s also a lot about technique and physics. Within the GBCs different aspects of physics (eg. forces, torques and gearings) are used to obtain the different modules. To involve people in this extra ‘level’ of the GBCs, we organize STE(A)M (Science, Technology, Engineering, (Arts) and Mathematics) Education Workshops. Depending on the audience (eg. friends, schools, companies), the focus of the workshop shifts to match and optimize both the learning proces and fun!

Check the video below for an example of one of our workshops!


GBC STEAM Education Camps – PV-Productions

Fun Fact Friday: GBC 47 Mill Madness!

Fun Fact: So many yellow panels in this set! We knew from the beginning we had to do something with these and we came up with various ways of using them in a creative, yet useful way. Studying the shape more up close we soon focused on creating a big windmill which would transport the GBC Balls up. Important with this module was to get it to resemble a real one. We think we did a great job in combining esthetics and functionality all in one.


Mega Stunting: alternative Fan Build GBC 45!

What to do when you want to build a GBC, but you do not have the right set? You improvise with the LEGO you have got! Our fan Roland Liebelt from Germany used the building instructions of the GBC 45 Stunt Circus and used it as a basis for his own alternative build, even adding a new module! Check his build out below!


Have you also build one of our models yourself?

NEW: building instructions GBC 47 Mill Madness!!

There’s a party going on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you, come on

~ Celebration, Kool & the Gang


Yahoo! The Building Instructions of our brand new GBC 47 Mill Madness are available… now! Meet the full lay-out (including the Windmill module, the Watermill module and the Triple Cardan Gear Lift) and read all about the new GBC 47 via the link below!



PS: Would you rather see a video of the GBC 47 Mill Madness? No worries, we’ve got your back! Check out our social media/news page and we’ll update you when the video is online! In the mean time: have fun building!

GBC 47’s Watermill Module!

How can a GBC be called Mill Madness if it would only consist out of one mill? It cannot! Hence, meet the Watermill Module! Just like a real Watermill, this module is not powered by a motor or some kind of mechanism. Instead the GBC balls push the 12 spokes, rotating the Watermill Module! Even though the GBC balls are quite light, they can make the whole module move, how cool is that?!


GBC 47 Mill Madness