Did you already finished building the LEGO 42064 Ocean Explorer? Then it’s now time to start engineering and build our GBC 18 Port Factory. This 42064 C model features physics, mechanics, gearing, forces, timing, logic, mechanisms and so much more! Get the building instructions and start building today: https://pv-productions.com/product/lego-gbc-18-4-modules-42064-building-instructions/
GBC 21 Mine Factory all around the world!
So great to see our GBC 21 Mine Factory popping up everywhere. Karol Rynduch (9 years old) build our latest GBC together with his dad Daniel which also created an awesome edited video of it. So much gracias for sharing with us all:) Did you already take a look at out GBC 21 Mine Factory? Start building today: https://pv-productions.com/product/lego-gbc-21-42055-building-instructions/
Who told you LEGO is an inside hobby?
Jörg Völker was questioning the same as he build our GBC 15 Mining Plant outside on the grass. Thanks for the share! Did you too already build this C Model for the 42055 Bucket Wheel Excavator? Get yourself started today: https://pv-productions.com/product/lego-gbc-15-42055-building-instructions/
Can you find them too? ;)
Brian Brannan and his TexLUG team (Texas, USA) put together a truly great GBC Layout with multiple of our big and small GBCs in it. Can you find them too? ;)
Meet our GBC Family: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/
The GBC 21 Mine Factory is open!
ATTENTION to all lucky LEGO 42055 Bucket Wheel Excavator owners: our GBC 21 42055 Mine Factory is finally out! This Great Ball Contraption is entirely made out of parts from the Official LEGO 42055 BWE set. Get the BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS today! https://pv-productions.com/product/lego-gbc-21-42055-building-instructions/
With over 3300 parts, 500+ pages of building instructions and a footprint of 100 cm (40 inch) by 60 cm (24 inch) this GBC is by far the biggest, most epic and ambitious GBC we have ever created so far! It is way bigger than the original LEGO model and it features multiple GBC modules which all work together in perfect harmony to make a full loop so the ball flow will never end. What holds you from building GBCs?? ;)
Our GBC 25 put to the test!
It’s always great to see and read back reviews on other forums. David Perahia from the UK wrote an in depth and comprehensive review on our latest GBC 25 – a 42049 C Model. He even created a nice clean video of it:) Read the article and check out his cool blog: http://gimmelego.blogspot.nl/2018/05/great-balls-of-fire.html