LEGO Master Builders at work

Master builder Karol Rynduch (9 years old!) and his father Daniel (Germany) strike again by building our GBC 9 – 42043 C Model and creating an awesome video about it! Definitely worth checking out! Thanks for sharing!


Have you also build one of our models yourself?

Get yourself prepared!

The big release of our GBC 21 Mine Factory is getting closer and closer! Here’s something to get you in the mood already. Now is the time to break down your original 42055 Bucket Wheel Excavator or our GBC 15 Mining Plant and nicely sort out the parts.
Learn more:

Get our GBC Balls upfront so you can direct start rolling when the building instructions are released:

Slooooow Motion GBCs

Slomo for the win! @DLlegotechnic build our GBC 9 – 42043 C Model and filmed it in EPIC sloooow motion. So Cool! Never have we seen the shooter module shoot balls in such slomo before. See how the catch tray catches the balls perfectly every time. Using a custom happy color scheme it gives the GBC 9 definitely a completely different look :)
Thanks for sharing!
Start building today:


Have you also build one of our models yourself?

Puzzle Madness XXL

Another puzzle piece of the HUGE GBC 21 – 42055 C Model. For bigger GBCs is much more complicated to fit everything together perfectly. Can you already figure out how all the sub assemblies of GBC 21 are connected together? More to come. Stay tuned.
Learn more:

Learn Engineering through our GBCs!

This is great! The @Brick works academy in Canada teaches Engineering to kids using our GBCs. It’s always amazing to see our GBCs in action all over the world and to see the joy that it brings with it. Get yourself started today:

Video: Brick Works Academy – Summer camp 2017


Have you also build one of our models yourself?