Working on the NEXT BIG GBC
Happy 4th of July!
Check out the GBC Balls sorter using @SAMLABS and out GBC 10. Even more awesome than it already is! Hack yours today!
The Next GBC
Did you already build GBC 15?

GBC 15 – 7 Modules – 42055 Building Instructions

Original Bucket Wheel Excavator 42055
GBC 10 Fan built LEGORENT
The guys from @LEGORENT took the GBC challenge and succeeded in our GBC 10! They even created an nice looking video:
You can still vote for the next GBC:
GBCs, a machine we could watch run forever!
Honestly, We could watch our GBC 12 run forever. The mechanics, actions, movements. So Exciting to see it all work together. That, is the beautiy of GBCs! (Video: Andre Grabner, Austria)