Behind the scenes: Funnels in the GBC 47 Mill Madness!

Time for a new sneak peek on the GBC 47 Mill Madness! What’s up today? Funnels!

How do we decide which (optional) funnel to use in our design? Well, choosing the funnel is quite a process. First, the different modules are built and the general lay-out of the GBC is designed. After this, we look into the options for funnels, loopings and or other accessories based on available parts from the set and the space/location in the GBC. Of course an accessory should not be crammed between two modules, it should only be installed if it adds to the joy of building and watching the GBC. So, the space/location matters! For the GBC 47 Mill Madness we had all the parts we needed for installing a funnel, enabling us to investigate whether it would add to the joy. Having connected the different modules, we found the perfect spot: a slope, a change of direction and space for inserting the funnel were all present! There was only one issue: the angle was left, not right… After further investigation, the joys of inserting a Funnel at this location were esteemed greatly and thus more left-sided Funnels were designed. Having tested the different (left-sided) Funnels, we found that the basic principles for all three Funnels (GBC Funnel Gravity Well, GBC Funnel Turbo Spin and GBC Funnel XL) were met! The slope was not too steep, nor too gentle for the different Funnels. On top of that, the GBC turbo spin did not look modest, and the GBC Funnel XL  not to colossal. Therefore, we can now proudly tell you: we have designed GBC in which all (left-sided) Funnels can be installed!


Tips & Tricks Tuesday: Light it up with SBrick Light!

Our friends from SBrick made dreams come true: finally, everyone can now make their own light shows (not only for pro’s!)!! Connect your phone with the Light Hub, create your own remote and start lighting! Extra bonus: with the same app you can also drive and steer your car


More information via:

Tip: In case you haven’t got the right power supplies, check out the options via the video below or our page on the



Last minute gift…………

“Wait, Christmas is this weekend?! No way! Where did the time go? I still need to get presents!”

“Pff, what should I give? What does he/she already have??”

“ugh, Christmas shopping….”


Tired of stressing over Christmas presents? Why not give a gift card?? Gone stress! And……. great to get! Give your beloved ones the excitement of chosing their own present!