GBC Workshops at Sioux

More than 120 children participated in the Sioux Hot-or-Not: The Next Generation workshops on 15 October 2019. This time the technical workshop was entirely devoted to building and collaborating with each other.

By popular demand we focused on the Great Ball Contraption this year. During the workshop, the children experienced what it is like to work together in project groups and to build the well-known marble track together. Each group worked on its own module that was eventually merged into a large course.

Hans Odenthal, organizer from Sioux: “With the organization of free workshops and engineering days, we want to let children experience technology by themselves. We live in a world where the role of technology becomes more and more important, but at the same time, there is also a shortage of engineers. So we must do everything we can, to fill this gap and get the engineers of the future excited.”

Read the complete article at Sioux


A GBC Funnel XL in action!

It’s amazing to hear and see all the amazing reaction on our GBC Funnel XL. Duncan Bridges from the UK featured our GBC Funnel XL at the London Brick Festival.


Interested in getting your own GBC Funnel XL? Learn more hear and start spinning around in no time:

See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products:

Hard at work!

While we are taking a “break” at LEGO World and meeting all kinds of nice people, the LEGO minifig engineers work hard to finish up our GBC 36 Crazy Carnival – 42082 C Model. This repair shop included in the build will definitely help with that! :) Coming soon. Stay tuned!


Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today:

See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products:

The excitement is clear!

Although our mother tongue is not French we can hear the excitement of Peter Dussoni voice talking about his build of our GBC 37 Ratchet Ride – 42097 C Model. Did you already investigate the ratchet mechanism for yourself? 


Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today:

See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products:

Have you also build one of our models yourself?

LEGO World 2019 – Come say Hi!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year … It’s LEGO World 2019, and we are part of it again!  From 17-23 October this biggest LEGO event takes place in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
So if you are in the surroundings, come by and say Hi  We love to chat with you over there.

For more info visit:
See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products:

The GBC future is bright!

Wow wow wow! BrickFair Virginia pulled of a great show using our GBC Glow Balls. Beyond the Brick made a complete video capturing all the amazing contraptions and the GBC Glow Balls in action!


Inspired? Get the GBC Glow Balls and start shining away today!

See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products: