Upcoming Pinball Legends

Always wanted to become a pinball legend? Now you can after building our GBC 27 Pinball Madness Machine – 42076 C Model. Learn how to build and fine tune a stepper mechanism to pump up the GBC Balls.


Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today: https://pv-productions.com/product/gbc-27-pinball-madness-machine-42076-building-instructions/

See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/

A Powerful Engine!

A powerful engine will power the entire GBC 36 Crazy Carnival. This 42082 C Model includes 7 separate modules which all work together to accomplish that single goal: Move a lot of GBC Balls around for infinite.


Curious? Get the building instructions and start engineering today! https://pv-productions.com/product/gbc-36-crazy-carnival-42082-building-instructions/

See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/


Start spinning around!

Amazing to see that our GBC Funnel Xl has been featured in the GBC layout on London Brick Festival 2019 by Graham Levene (UK). Did you already gave a complete new spin to your GBC Balls?


Curious? Get the GBC Funnel XL today and start spinning around: https://pv-productions.com/product/gbc-funnel/

See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/

To infinity and beyond!

The use of our GBC Glow Balls goes to infinity and beyond! Amazing to see all the cool, stunning GBC modules handle and charge the GBC Glow Balls all in their own unique way!


Get your own GBC Glow Balls today! https://pv-productions.com/product/lego-gbc-balls/

And charge them with our Ultra Violet Led strips: https://pv-productions.com/product/power-functions-ultraviolet-uv-led-strip/

See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/

NXT Wizard

NXT Wizard Chris did it again! You may know him from various big LEGO rollercoaster projects, this time he put all his knowledge into our Spirograph – 42055 C Model. 

By using our FREE building instructions and his hacking skills he truly brought the machine to the next level. Multiple motors control various axles so that he can draw every pattern imaginable.


Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today: 


See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/

Have you also build one of our models yourself?

Featured on Planet GBC

How cool! We are being featured in the Planet GBC Journal this month. He features a list of new and unique GBC Modules which goes along with nice commentary. Our new GBC 37 Ratchet Ride – 42097 C Model was the lucky one ;)

Read the complete article here: http://www.planet-gbc.com/?p=3532

Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today: https://pv-productions.com/product/gbc-37-ratchet-ride-42097-building-instructions/

See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products: https://pv-productions.com/product-category/lego/