ToyPro review of GBC 37 Ratchet Ride
Our friends at ToyPro wrote a nice review about our latest GBC 37 Ratchet Ride – 42097 C Model. A completely new mechanism drives the conveyor belt which moves the GBC Balls up. With the flexible return arm you can point the GBC Balls in any direction. Great for you GBC layout.
Read the full ToyPro article and buy the LEGO set at their place:
Learn more about the GBC 37 Ratchet Ride – 42097 C Model:
See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products:
GBC Workshops together with Sioux Technologies

A pleasant variation for the ear
When we display our GBCs on events and shows we get many good comments and reviews on our Xylophone Key Plates. Next to the noisy machines it’s a pleasant variation for the ear to hear the beautiful sound of 8 clear tunes in a row.
Our Xylophone Key Plates meet the LEGO dimensions perfect so that you can easily incorporate them into your LEGO creations.
Inspired? Get the Xylophone Key Plates today and start creating music today:
See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products:
A GBC for every use
Master Builder Ken Gross (USA) build one of our latest GBC 29 Heavy Duty Pump – 42063 C Model. This very effective and nifty design can be used in any big GBC loop or as a stand alone module.
Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today:
See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products:
Are you prepared?
We are always working on multiple models at the same time. Keeps the ideas fresh and mindful ;) Do you also have this LEGO set? We already have many ideas for it! :)
See also our GBC C Model Building Instructions & other products: