Master builder at work!

Wow, just wow! Serendibite from the USA build our GBC 30 Fun Park (42082 C Model) and got it running absolutely smoothly. At the end of the video he even shows the GBC 30 in combination with other GBC Modules. Sweet video shots, sweet music! A job well done! Thanks for sharing with us :)


Inspired? Get the Building Instructions and start engineering today as well:

See also our other GBC C Model Building Instructions:

Have you also build one of our models yourself?

GBC 21 Mine Factory all over the world!

Sweet video! Ed van Nunen from The Netherlands build our GBC 21 Mine Factory – 42055 C Model and created a sweet video of it. Thanks for sharing!


Inspired? Get the GBC Balls and building instructions on our website:

See also our other GBC C Model Building Instructions:

Have you also build one of our models yourself?

The GBC 31 Flex Conveyor – Up and Running!

Get Loaded with our NEW C Model for the LEGO 42094 Tracked Loader. Our GBC 31 Flex Conveyor can handle any kind of load and is the perfect addition for your GBC Layout!

Adjust Speed, Slope and Height. The control is in your hand!


Curious? Get the Building Instructions and start engineering today:


Inspired? See also our other GBC C Model Building Instructions:


GBC 30 Fun Park in action!

Incredible! George Bail from the UK build our new GBC 30 Fun Park – 42082 C Model in record time and created this nice video! Thanks for sharing with us! :)


Inspired? Get the GBC Balls and building instructions on our website:

See also our other GBC C Model Building Instructions:

Have you also build one of our models yourself?

GBC 9 Industrial Factory hard at work

Sweet video! Nienke Ras from The Netherlands build our GBC 9 Industrial Factory – 42043 C Model and created a sweet video of it. Even using our GBC Glow Balls. Thanks for sharing!

Inspired? Get the GBC Balls and building instructions on our website:

GBC Glow Balls:

See also our other GBC C Model Building Instructions:


Have you also build one of our models yourself?

New and Upcoming

Things are getting pretty exciting over here. Meet the GBC 31 Flex Conveyor! The amount of functions we were able to put into this all around GBC module is overwhelming. Adjust speed, height, slope, input and output! Use it as stand alone module or in your own GBC Layout.


Learn more:

See also our other GBC C Model Building Instructions: