FREE Goodie – GBC 46 Looping Ramp!

FREE! Meet our GBC 46 Looping Ramp – 42100 alternate build. In a normal (non-COVID) year LEGO World would just have started. Since we are not able to meet you in person this year, we decided to upload a gift to make up for the “loss” of LEGO World 2021. Hence, meet the free GBC 46 Looping Ramp! A part of our GBC 45 Stunt Circus.

Important in the design was that anyone should be able to build it, no matter if you have a right sided looping, a left sided looping or no looping at all. Therefore the GBC 46 is compatible with both sides of the GBC Looping Quick Ring and has alternative build so the balls jump over the ramp!


GBC 46 Looping Ramp – 42100




New material coming up!

Although the GBC 45 Stunt Circus was launched only about a month ago, we want to share some great news with you: a new product is on it’s way! Great, right! But hold on, there is even more great news: you don’t have to wait very long, because…. its release is planned for upcoming Friday!! Curious what is going to happen? Well, here is one hint: it involves the GBC Looping!


While I’m at it, why not throw in some teasers? Go ahead and read some reviews of a couple of famous GBC balls!

“Suddenly my world was upside down” – GBC Basketball

“I feel sick, very sick!” – GBC Glow in the Dark Ball

“Can I go again?” – GBC Soccer Ball