Our Powered Up Splitter Cable in good use!

Youtuber STEINeZEIT is a huge LEGO train fan and is building a massive train layout through mountains and more. Very cool to see! But how to power the extremely long LEGO trains. The Powered Up system can work but is by default not capable of driving multiple motors on a single hub/remote. Our PU Splitter Cable to the rescue. Now STEINeZEIT can connect 2 train motors to a single port of his hub. Makes it easy to install and control with the LEGO Powered Up Remote. Best of all worlds.

On minute 2:53 you can see our PU Splitter Cable hidden in the cabin. But make sure to check the complete video for more inspiration and info. Tip: use English captions if you do not understand German.



Check out the Youtube channel from STEINeZETI


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GBC Funnel Paradise

Get creative with our GBC Funnels! Pete Dubois from the United States used multiple different of our GBC Funnels to create his very own GBC Funnel Paradise. This looks absolutely stunning! Well done and thanks for sharing with us Pete!



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