GBC 30 announced!

We are always working on the next big Great Ball Contraption. Using the LEGO 42082 Rough Terrain Crane as part set opens up a wide variety of awesome possibilities.

Catch up and learn more:

See also our other GBC C Model Building Instructions:

GBC 21 Mine Factory all over the world

Sem (The Netherlands) recently build our GBC 21 Mine Factory (42055 C Model) together with his father and created a nice video from it. Sweet music and thanks for sharing with us!

Inspired? :) Get the building instructions today and start engineering:

See also our other GBC C Model Building Instructions:

Have you also build one of our models yourself?

NEW & FREE: Give a new twist to LEGO

Give a new twist to LEGO and build our NEW Zoetrope – 42082 C Model using our FREE Building Instructions. A Zoetrope creates the illusion of motion by displaying a sequence of drawings or photographs showing progressive phases of a motion.


Get the FREE Building Instructions and start creating your very own astonishing animations:


See also our other GBC C Model Building Instructions:

Can you spot it ?!

Jose Luis Gonzalez from Spain build a truly Great Ball Contraption Layout using efficient and nice looking GBC Modules. He also used one of our GBCs. Can you spot it? ;)


Inspired? Get the building instructions and start engineering today:

See also our other GBC C Model Building Instructions:


Have you also build one of our models yourself?

We are getting there

Working on big LEGO sets can be both very easy and very hard. Easy that you have many parts and options. Hard because you want to squeeze the maximum potency out of all the parts you get. Altogether is the 42082 C Model GBC taken shape nicely.


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See all our GBC C Model Building Instructions:

GBC 15 Mining Plant steels the show!

This is very cool! Of all the things @Avonic (NL) could film they used our GBC 15 Mining Plant (42055 C Model) to test and demonstrate their new developed IP Cameras. We feel very honored and pleased. Have a look yourself and check their very profession video.


Want to start engineering yourself? Get the building instructions and GBC balls today:

See also our other GBC C Model Building Instructions:

Have you also build one of our models yourself?